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Top 400 Users

Stack Overflow em Português

Stack Overflow em Português

Perguntas e respostas para programadores profissionais e entusiastas (314,914 total users)

All Time

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94 1304 2169
member for: 10 years, 7 months
#1 all time rank
483,553 all time reputation


16 200 294
member for: 10 years, 7 months
#2 all time rank
135,065 all time reputation

Wallace Vizerra

105 427 910
member for: 10 years, 5 months
#3 all time rank
107,223 all time reputation


23 168 358
member for: 10 years, 5 months
#4 all time rank
100,267 all time reputation


18 189 260
member for: 10 years, 7 months
#5 all time rank
92,982 all time reputation

Leonel Sanches da Silva

9 125 232
member for: 10 years, 5 months
#6 all time rank
89,556 all time reputation


22 185 334
member for: 10 years, 7 months
#7 all time rank
82,549 all time reputation


22 71 125
member for: 10 years, 2 months
#8 all time rank
80,706 all time reputation


15 122 218
member for: 10 years, 4 months
#9 all time rank
77,078 all time reputation


8 160 254
member for: 10 years, 7 months
#10 all time rank
74,545 all time reputation

Jéf Bueno

21 132 243
member for: 9 years, 8 months
#11 all time rank
69,735 all time reputation


21 113 282
member for: 10 years, 7 months
#12 all time rank
67,624 all time reputation


16 86 164
member for: 6 years, 8 months
#13 all time rank
66,844 all time reputation


25 86 164
member for: 6 years, 2 months
#14 all time rank
66,680 all time reputation


10 150 228
member for: 10 years, 7 months
#15 all time rank
66,317 all time reputation
15 30 50 per page
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