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Top 400 Users

Bioinformatics Stack Exchange

Bioinformatics Stack Exchange

Q&A for researchers, developers, students, teachers, and end users interested in bioinformatics (15,500 total users)

All Time

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Devon Ryan

2 30 60
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#1 all time rank
19,722 all time reputation


5 24 81
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#2 all time rank
14,585 all time reputation


5 28 47
member for: 5 years, 7 months
#3 all time rank
12,751 all time reputation


5 23 48
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#4 all time rank
10,324 all time reputation


2 14 30
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#5 all time rank
6,575 all time reputation

Kamil S Jaron

2 27 59
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#6 all time rank
5,632 all time reputation

Daniel Standage

16 50
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#7 all time rank
5,090 all time reputation

Konrad Rudolph

15 45
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#8 all time rank
4,885 all time reputation


1 19 42
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#9 all time rank
4,713 all time reputation

Matteo Ferla

5 19
member for: 4 years, 9 months
#10 all time rank
4,244 all time reputation


1 6 28
member for: 5 years, 9 months
#11 all time rank
4,192 all time reputation

Maximilian Press

7 24
member for: 6 years, 6 months
#12 all time rank
4,162 all time reputation


13 31
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#13 all time rank
3,958 all time reputation


10 28
member for: 7 years
#14 all time rank
3,591 all time reputation

Ian Sudbery

1 12 21
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#15 all time rank
3,331 all time reputation


2 17 40
member for: 6 years, 6 months
#16 all time rank
3,181 all time reputation

Alex Reynolds

13 27
member for: 7 years, 1 month
#17 all time rank
3,164 all time reputation


2 16 36
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#18 all time rank
3,130 all time reputation


1 4 12
member for: 3 years, 3 months
#19 all time rank
3,118 all time reputation

Iakov Davydov

1 14 34
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#20 all time rank
2,735 all time reputation


4 20 35
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#21 all time rank
2,729 all time reputation


13 35
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#22 all time rank
2,696 all time reputation


16 33
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#23 all time rank
2,644 all time reputation


13 29
member for: 7 years
#24 all time rank
2,584 all time reputation

Nikita Vlasenko

3 26 38
member for: 6 years, 7 months
#25 all time rank
2,568 all time reputation


17 30
member for: 7 years
#26 all time rank
2,469 all time reputation

Ram RS

11 29
member for: 7 years, 1 month
#27 all time rank
2,454 all time reputation


14 19
member for: 7 years, 2 months
#28 all time rank
2,344 all time reputation


12 28
member for: 7 years, 1 month
#29 all time rank
2,286 all time reputation


13 44
member for: 6 years, 1 month
#30 all time rank
2,232 all time reputation
15 30 50 per page
1 2 3 4 5 13