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Top 400 Users

Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange

Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange

Q&A for practitioners, researchers, and students in cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, and psychiatry (28,915 total users)

All Time

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Jeromy Anglim

11 93 221
member for: 12 years, 6 months
#1 all time rank
30,761 all time reputation


8 49 140
member for: 9 years, 8 months
#2 all time rank
20,671 all time reputation

Arnon Weinberg

8 56 92
member for: 9 years, 8 months
#3 all time rank
19,775 all time reputation

Artem Kaznatcheev

5 70 164
member for: 12 years, 6 months
#4 all time rank
12,333 all time reputation

Chris Rogers

2 30 93
member for: 9 years, 5 months
#5 all time rank
12,271 all time reputation

got trolled too much this week

1 25 59
member for: 8 years, 8 months
#6 all time rank
10,188 all time reputation


5 53 89
member for: 12 years, 6 months
#7 all time rank
9,846 all time reputation

Nick Stauner

2 26 58
member for: 10 years, 6 months
#8 all time rank
9,424 all time reputation

Alex Stone

2 32 80
member for: 12 years
#9 all time rank
9,400 all time reputation


3 25 61
member for: 10 years, 5 months
#10 all time rank
8,853 all time reputation

Bryan Krause

3 13 23
member for: 7 years, 7 months
#11 all time rank
7,516 all time reputation

Chuck Sherrington

4 43 83
member for: 12 years, 6 months
#12 all time rank
7,112 all time reputation

Christian Hummeluhr

4 49 117
member for: 11 years, 3 months
#13 all time rank
6,972 all time reputation


2 26 47
member for: 10 years, 2 months
#14 all time rank
5,904 all time reputation

Keegan Keplinger

24 33
member for: 12 years, 1 month
#15 all time rank
5,610 all time reputation


29 44
member for: 12 years, 6 months
#16 all time rank
5,488 all time reputation


7 36 63
member for: 12 years, 6 months
#17 all time rank
5,390 all time reputation


1 15 36
member for: 9 years, 5 months
#18 all time rank
4,398 all time reputation

Ofri Raviv

18 33
member for: 12 years, 6 months
#19 all time rank
3,805 all time reputation

Berit Larsen

21 40
member for: 10 years, 1 month
#20 all time rank
3,799 all time reputation

Sydney Maples

1 14 32
member for: 9 years, 2 months
#21 all time rank
3,692 all time reputation

Steven Jeuris

5 31 56
member for: 12 years, 6 months
#22 all time rank
3,523 all time reputation

Robin Kramer-ten Have

3 19 49
member for: 8 years, 3 months
#23 all time rank
3,162 all time reputation


21 43
member for: 11 years, 2 months
#24 all time rank
2,943 all time reputation

Piotr Migdal

2 20 31
member for: 12 years, 6 months
#25 all time rank
2,880 all time reputation

Andy DeSoto

15 25
member for: 12 years, 5 months
#26 all time rank
2,776 all time reputation


14 27
member for: 11 years, 10 months
#27 all time rank
2,633 all time reputation


21 30
member for: 12 years, 3 months
#28 all time rank
2,625 all time reputation


16 20
member for: 12 years, 5 months
#29 all time rank
2,553 all time reputation

Jens Kouros

19 26
member for: 12 years, 2 months
#30 all time rank
2,526 all time reputation
15 30 50 per page
1 2 3 4 5 14