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Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange

Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange

Q&A for practitioners, researchers, and students in cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, and psychiatry (28,915 total users)

Jul 7, 2024 - Jul 13, 2024

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Bryan Krause

3 13 23
member for: 7 years, 7 months
#1 week rank
not previously ranked
7,516 total reputation
35 week reputation


1 10
member for: 7 years, 9 months
#2 week rank
not previously ranked
390 total reputation
10 week reputation

Joe Bathelt

2 12
member for: 8 years, 6 months
#3 week rank
not previously ranked
588 total reputation
10 week reputation


3 8
member for: 8 years, 8 months
#4 week rank
not previously ranked
359 total reputation
10 week reputation

Arnon Weinberg

8 56 92
member for: 9 years, 8 months
#5 week rank
not previously ranked
19,775 total reputation
10 week reputation

Alex Stone

2 32 80
member for: 12 years
#6 week rank
not previously ranked
9,400 total reputation
10 week reputation


3 7
member for: 12 years, 3 months
#7 week rank
not previously ranked
400 total reputation
10 week reputation