We believe moderation starts with the community itself, so in addition to privileges earned through reputation, each site periodically holds democratic moderator elections. If the site is not yet large enough to support an election, we will appoint moderators from within the community.
Please see Theory of Moderation for information on our moderation philosophy.
Currently there are 519 moderators volunteering their time across the Stack Exchange network.
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Michael Myers, Brad Larson, ChrisF, Flexo, Ry-, Bohemian, user229044, Martijn Pieters, Undo, deceze, Aaron Hall, Andy, Cody Gray - on strike, Rob, Baum mit Augen, Jean-François Fabre, Makyen, Machavity, Stephen Rauch, Zoe, Dharman, Ryan M, sideshowbarker, Henry Ecker, blackgreen, Dalija Prasnikar, Stephen Ostermiller
moderator information is updated daily